
How To Make Money Selling Comic Books

Most people have comic books laying effectually their house collecting dust.

Others have collected and preserved them for years in pristine status.

Learning how to sell comic books on eBay is a practiced way to get rid of these comic books and make some great money!

Selling comic books on eBay tin exist quite profitable. In fact, Action Comics #one sold for a tape $iii.two meg on eBay in 2014.

Here'southward a step-by-step guide of how to sell comic books on eBay.

1. Know the Value of the Comic Books You Have

The beginning step in learning to sell comic books on eBay is understanding what you currently have in your collection.


It'southward important that you organize all of your comics, writing down the titles and issue dates of each every bit well every bit the status the comic book is in.


Then, you lot need to come upwards with a truthful objective value for each of these comic books before you list them.

While some of these might hold more value to you than others, that'due south not important. What is important is what the comic books would return to you on the open market.

There are a few resources you can use to do this research before selling comic books on eBay. The get-go is called the Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide.

For years, this has been considered ane of the most accurate predictors of values of comic books.

There are some issues with this source, though, so you lot should besides cross-reference other sources.


Y'all can get a base price for your comic books online at

You can sign up for an account ton their site for complimentary, but you'll too accept the choice to upgrade to a paid membership, which might be valuable depending on how many comics y'all intend to sell.

Finally, you can go direct to the source and simply search eBay to see what your comic books, and other similar ones, are going for.


This is perhaps the best tool for determining the objective price of the comic books you accept.

To to go the most value from your comics, make certain to utilise the best strategies to reduce eBay seller fees.

two. Grade Your Comics

The title of the comic you have determines the price, but so too does the condition of the comic volume. That'due south why it'southward of import you do what's called "grade" your comics.

The class on comics basically refers to the condition that it'due south in. This can exist a very subjective practise, but there are resources you tin can use to aid support the grading.

First, bank check the eBay forums for some information on this. You can likewise reference the Overstreet Grading, which is typically considered the standard in the industry.

There are also other sites you can discover online that volition assist you lot decide what the grade of your comic volume should be, based on various features of your comic.

If you have a really outstanding comic yous want to sell for elevation dollar, you tin also ship information technology abroad to the Certified Guaranty Company, which will identify a definitive grading on the volume.

This volition requite the grading process some objectivity and more weight every bit y'all're selling comic books on eBay. Because comic books are one of the best things to resell online, grading them is pretty mutual.

Success Tactics

  • Comic books with higher grades naturally sell for more than coin. A comic valued at new mint is worth much more than but an boilerplate form. That's why it tin can definitely pay to have your comic graded by the CGC. In fact, it can result in a value that's two or three times the amount when it's not graded.
  • Before you go rush and become all your comics graded, though, keep in heed that at that place's a cost of doing and then. There'due south a fee to get them graded, a fee for shipping to and from the visitor, and a fee to become it protected. A good rule of thumb is to but get your comics graded by the CGC if it's worth at to the lowest degree $200.

3. Take Good Pictures


When yous're learning how to brand money on eBay, y'all'll speedily figure out that the listings that sell the best have centre-catching photos. This is a huge primal to selling comic books on eBay.

Buyers don't desire to rely on just your description of the comic volume when they're browsing listings.

They don't fifty-fifty really intendance about the grading of the comic book, fifty-fifty if it'southward professionally graded … unless, of course, information technology's backed upwardly with high-quality photos.

Nigh smartphones have excellent cameras nowadays, so y'all should take no problem taking quality photos of your comic books.

Y'all should practise some simple Google research on how to take the all-time photos when you're learning to sell on eBay.

This information will help you take the best pictures possible of your comic books that you'll and so include with your list.

When y'all can prove that the comic book you lot are describing is what you actually have on paw with a moving-picture show, you're more likely to sell that comic book quickly and for a high value.

4. Time Your Sales Around Film News

Some comic books sell much better than others exercise. That'southward why it's of import to practise your research to meet what sells before thinking all your comic books are going to sell for top value.

One matter to keep in listen is that movies that feature characters from DC and Curiosity have increased the popularity in comic books, which has increased the value in some of these comics.

Savvy people who are selling comic books on eBay can time their sales by seeing what data is out there regarding future movies.

When DC and Curiosity release new movies with new characters, people oft blitz to purchase old comic volume titles that feature those characters. This, then, increases the value of these comic books in that fourth dimension menstruum.

Here are some things you tin can exercise to stay ahead of the game here:

  • Search Google for comic book movies, DC movies and Marvel movies. Sort the results and then the newest ones appear first. Here, you'll often find news on upcoming releases of new movies.
  • Scan these news stories and notice out what characters are going to be featured in upcoming movies. These are the ones you'll desire to attempt to sell once the news is released.
  • If you have whatsoever comic books that characteristic these characters, become them listed on eBay asap. This will help you take advantage of the news about the characters to get increased value for your comic books.

Ane matter to keep in listen is that total runs of comic books that have 10 or more problems tend to result in quicker sales for a college price. If you have one of these total sets, strongly consider selling them all together rather than breaking them up into individual issues.

Success Tactics

If you are only 1 or two issues away from completing a full lot, try to purchase what you're missing on your ain. So, have this new consummate gear up that you have and sell information technology all together. Your return on investment with this could be significant when you're selling comic books on eBay.

five. Buy Comic Books to Sell

Nosotros hit on this bespeak briefly already, but it'south worth mentioning again in its own department. You lot can employ your cognition of comic books to buy some now with the intention of selling them for a higher price later.

Many people who learn to flip comic books online volition turn this from a side hustle to a great second job.

They invest their money into purchasing comic books online and at trade shows for the sole purpose of selling comic books on eBay later on.

This process works in opposite order of what you've done to this point.

Your previous research that you've done on your own comic books will give y'all an idea of which comic books — or which characters — sell for the all-time prices.

Every bit y'all're doing research for the comic books you're going to sell, take notes on some other ones yous'd like to sell at 1 indicate. So, make note of how much these specific comic books sell for.

In one case you've have the cease sales price noted, then you tin can actively search for these comic books so you lot can buy them with an investment in mind.

Alternative places to purchase comic books:

  • Buying on Mercari
  • At comic book shows at convention centers
  • From friends, family members and colleagues
  • At vintage and/or antique stores
  • At thousand/garage sales

A lot of times, you'll be able to find comic books well below the market price. Buying from flea markets can be a nifty option every bit well.

As a savvy comic book seller, you'll know which investments are skillful and which ones are not.

You can have advantage of the fact that some people just want to become rid of the comic books they own if you know what they're actually worth on the open market.

iii Tips to Make More Money Selling Comic Books on eBay

Anyone can just list a comic book for auction on eBay. And, depending on the comic book and the list cost, anyone can be successful in selling comic books on eBay, too.

Only, if you're looking to brand top dollar for your comic books, here are three tips you should follow:

Sell What Sells

A big key to beingness successful selling comic books on eBay is having your list sell the first time.

This allows y'all to avert having to re-list items, and pay fees a second time. This is why you should research what comic books sell, and which ones don't. The ones that don't shouldn't even be listed.

Accept Reward of News

Again, y'all can make more money on eBay if you list for auction comic books that are in the news.

When Marvel or DC announces a new movie, those characters in information technology become very pop.

You lot can make more coin selling comic books on eBay when you lot time your sales around these announcements — and so mention the new flick in your listing.

Set Lower Starting Bids, with a Good Reserve Price

eBay allows sellers to fix a starting bid and a reserve price. When you lot want to learn to resell comic books for top dollar, you'll observe out that y'all desire to encourage more bids.

If you prepare the starting bid too loftier, you may discourage people from ever bidding in the first identify.

But, you can protect yourself from this low starting bid by setting a reserve toll that will guarantee you a certain sales cost.

Is eBay a Good Platform to Sell Comics?

At present that you accept learned how to go most selling comic books on eBay, the obvious question is whether information technology's even a skilful platform to sell comics in the first place.

The reply to this question is yes, just with some exceptions.

Beginning, yous have to know that not all comic books will sell for a adept price on eBay. There are lots of comics listed for sale, simply not all sell for a good toll — and some don't ever sell at all.

2d, know that eBay will have fees from you for selling comics on eBay. Therefore, you need to factor in this cost, and whatsoever cost of withdrawing your money, when you're considering your listing.

If the sales price of the comic volume won't allow you lot to brand a big turn a profit, information technology might not be worth it.

All in all, though, eBay is a great platform for selling comic books. There are loads of people browsing eBay every day looking for comic books to purchase.

This makes it a perfect spot to market your comic books for auction.


There are some nuances to it, only that'due south the best way to sell comic books on eBay for a proficient profit.


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