
How Much Money Does An Average Sandbox Cost

Edifice a Sandbox at a Glance

  • Wood and screws: $150
  • Landscape fabric: $30
  • Play sand: $5 per handbag

Sandboxes are a bang-up feature for whatsoever backyard playground. You can purchase a premade plastic sandbox and fill up it with sand — though as your lilliputian ones grow, y'all may want to create a bigger infinite for them to play in. Luckily, a wooden sandbox is a pretty simple DIY project.

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Thinking nigh adding a sandbox to your chiliad? Here's how much information technology might cost you.

Building a Sandbox: Cost Factors

Co-ordinate to This Old Firm, y'all tin make a very basic sandbox for well-nigh $200. The concluding toll depends on the materials you choose, the size of the sandbox and how much sand you'll need to fill it.

In order to figure out how much it might cost you to build a sandbox, start by making a materials list. To build an 8-foot by 8-foot sandbox, you lot volition need:

  • Woods
  • Wood screws
  • Landscape textile
  • Construction glue
  • Play sand

Keep in mind that you might have to purchase more than what'south on this list, peculiarly if you don't have the proper tools to complete the job. In terms of tools, you'll need a circular saw, drill and driver bits, a dust mask and hearing protection.

In this cost guide, nosotros'll break down what you might expect to pay for each major material listed in a higher place. To help yous determine the cost, let's presume we're building an 8-foot by 8-foot sandbox.

Sandbox in the playground for small children

Wood and Forest Screws

The type of wood you choose for the sandbox is of import. Information technology'due south typically all-time to cull a type rated for outdoor utilise. Otherwise, the wood won't last long when exposed to moisture and dirt. Insect resistance is as well something you should consider.

Cedar is a great selection because of its pest-resistant backdrop, but it's on the pricier side. It also tends to be a softer wood, so corner bracing would be optimal for a cedar sandbox. Other good choices include white oak or black locust, although blackness locust is quite hard and would need to take predrilled holes. Any blazon of forest you choose, it may be a good idea to seal information technology yourself to shield information technology further from the elements. Construction adhesive and wood screws are besides necessary for binding pieces of wood together.

To build our hypothetical 8-foot by viii-human foot sandbox, we're using:

  • Eight viii-foot sections of i-inch by 6-inch cedar boards at $13 each = $104
  • Four 8-foot sections of i-inch by 3-inch cedar boards at $ten each = $forty
  • 1 package of iii-inch exterior (deck) screws = $10

Based on these estimates, the wood and screws together come up to a little over $150. Yous may pay more or less if yous use a dissimilar blazon of forest.

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Landscape Cloth

Installing landscape material at the bottom of your sandbox can assistance with drainage. It'll besides forbid weeds from growing up through the sand. Taking this extra footstep during sandbox construction is important for the longevity of your sandbox. It also makes the playing experience safer and more enjoyable for your children.

A l-human foot ringlet of landscape fabric that'southward vi anxiety wide costs $30. This is plenty of fabric to cover the inside of an 8-pes by 8-human foot sandbox, although pieces will accept to be cut to fit properly.

Play Sand

Play sand may exist the most expensive part of this DIY project. This type of sand comes prepackaged. It's typically washed river sand, so it has a smooth texture. At most home comeback stores — such equally Lowe's — one 50-pound bag of play sand costs around $5. Prices vary depending on the store y'all get to and where you lot live.

To effigy out how much sand you demand, you'll have to summate the volume of your sandbox. Multiply the length by the width by the height in feet. In this case, an viii-foot by viii-pes sandbox with a ane-foot depth equals 64 cubic feet.

According to Hunker, one 50-pound handbag of play sand fills about one-half a cubic foot of space. Yous don't necessarily need to fill the sandbox all the fashion to the top. To fill it halfway, yous'll need almost 64 bags of sand. If you want to fill it completely, yous'll need 128 bags of sand.

Then, if a 50-pound bag of sand costs about $v, the cost calculation would exist every bit follows:

  • 64 bags x $5 = $320
  • 128 numberless x $5 = $640

You lot can also purchase play sand in bulk, which might save you money — and a backache — depending on how many 50-pound numberless of sand you would need.

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