
witcher 3 how to use crossbow

Witchers are traditionally swordmasters capable of basic magic, but early on inThe Witcher 3, Vesemir bestows Geralt with a small crossbow. While the younger witcher initially pokes fun at the shake-up in tradition, it quickly becomes clear what a boon the ranged addition is to Geralt's arsenal.

The Griffin encounter that ensues shortly after allows Geralt to test out the crossbow's firepower and it sure makes for an easier job of slaying the beast. After this initial showdown, the crossbow continues to prove its worth in a multitude of sticky situations where other options fail.

Equipping The Crossbow

While the crossbow Vesemir gifts is not very good, it'll get the job done until Geralt finds a better one. Access the Weapons and Armor inventory then equip the crossbow in the appropriate weapon slot, the same as any other piece of equipment. An infinite supply of common Bolts will automatically be equipped in the slot beside the crossbow, but Geralt may equip specialty bolts if he has them.

Operating The Crossbow

When properly equipped, the crossbow will show up along with the witcher signs in the quick access menu. Open this menu with the Tab button on PC or L1 on console. By holding the same button and highlighting the crossbow, it has been selected as Geralt's alternative ability in place of a witcher sign.

Now Geralt can fire the crossbow by clicking the middle mouse button or L1 on consoles. The bolts should hit the target automatically when locked on to them. Otherwise, Geralt may take free aim by holding down the same button.

When To Use The Crossbow

There are certain enemies and situations in which the crossbow is especially beneficial.

Sea Monsters

When steering a boat or exploring underwater, Geralt is rendered defenseless aside from his crossbow. Geralt can abandon his post at the helm if need be to utilize more skills. However, swords and witcher signs can't be used underwater, leaving the crossbow as Geralt's only defense against assailing sea monsters.

Aerial Assailants

The crossbow's introduction, specifically correlating with the Griffin quest, demonstrates its ranged advantages and its ability to knock enemies out of the sky. It likely won't finish the job, but by grounding airborne enemies, Geralt can tactically follow up with a combination of spells and melee attacks.

Skills & Abilities to Enhance Crossbow Performance

The game includes several skills in the Character section for any witcher who's taken a liking to the ranged style of combat.

Steady Shot: Bolt damage increased by 25%

Trick Shot: Shoot one additional Bolt before reloading.

Lightning Reflexes: Time slows an additional 15% while aiming.

Cold Blood: Successful shots gain 0.04 Adrenaline Points.

Anatomical Knowledge: Crossbow critical hit chance increases by 5%.

Crippling Shot: Crossbow critical hits disable a monster's special abilities for 5 seconds.

While swordplay and witcher signs are typically Geralt's MO, a witcher can never be too prepared for the perils which await them.

Source: USGamer

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About The Author

Kim Dailey (442 Articles Published)

Kim is a senior contributing writer for TheGamer and a bookish Ravenclaw eccentric with an inquisitive sense of adventure. She began writing online articles in the summer of 2019 when she was approached on Discord to contribute gaming guides for Wizards Unite World. Kim revels in fantasy lore, some of her favorite titles including The Witcher, Harry Potter, and The Lord of The Rings. She seeks to use her writing to travel and explore, but she can be easily subdued in front of a good game despite her nomadic ways. Her gaming interests can include anything from the biggest open-world RPGs to bite-sized indies, and all the unique gems in-between. Kim's known to be a sucker for binging hours of turned-based strategies such as Civ 6 or getting lost for years in Strangerville. -- On Sim time, of course!

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witcher 3 how to use crossbow


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